Monday, December 28, 2009

Wishes for Year 2010

Times flies by another new year.

I received an email from a dear friend who has recently lost a loved one, to my friend is so sudden..unforeseable and unexpected. In the letter she says " Life is unforeseable...let's do our best every day".

I myself lost my grandpa for a year now. He used to live oceans apart from me, takes 18+ hours of flight to see him. Thanks to technology, at least i can fly back to see him and thanks to the father of Fibre Optics (Charles K. Kao, nobel prize winner) who connected all of us via internet, which make sharing even more possible. Some people spent years and years doing good things that makes other people lifes better. But some they spent years and years doing things that bring destructions to other people, but they don't see what they do. I recall one great movie recently that depicts that is "Avatar". Must see! There's a quote i recall from the movie "they kill even their mother", the very source that gives them life...

I sometimes read my heart, it could be so cold..and sometimes it could be so warm...depends on the thoughts and emotions...but we can't really have these imbalance emotions all the time. Otherwise, we are like the weather, storm, flood, etc..and of course it will create miseries for other people who surround us and hence affected by our actions.

Which i wanted to share with all the reader as well. "Ganbate ne"!! Don't give up easily. Life could be harsh or not easy. But keep your heart warm...don't let it chilled for too long. Look at the stars among the skies, blessings all over and watching over us and in our heart. Keep the love and warm in our heart and with peace we bring more love and peace and courage to others who need a boost. Do do our best is to really take care of our hearts, if each and everyone of us take good care of our hearts, mind, speech and actions, our world would be more loveable and peaceful and it all starts within our own little mind, little house, little family, little neighbourhood, little country...and before you know it...little is no longer little, is the whole universe in perspective.

There are so many things in life that we ought to do and wanted to do, but so little time and so little resources.

I run into different people in my life, each and everyone is an unique individual, so much you will learn alone from their culture and background. Qualities some people have, they are like the teachers, who make you swim upstream and not follow the normal flow of life. I'm just touched by teachers who taught me things that i often have to remind myself, being humble, being grateful, being kind, dream big, do more for others, etc.

This coming new year, would like to wish each and everyone in this universe a very Happy New Year, with new beginnings, warmer heart to face each and everyday challenges and able to melt all the crap that comes our way and make it not an obstacle and able to propel forward. Just like the "Secret", think positive, imagine positive things happening to you, your thoughts are your world. Make it a positive experience and you're the creator of your own sorrow or happiness.

With great metta, many blessings and many more.

Friday, October 31, 2008



金剛論者, 佛與菩薩問答之語也.

篇中字字真修, 言言妙道,


見者聞者, 皆能祛迷剔障, 悟明自己本來金剛妙心.




Special Thanks to Buddha, all Dharma teachers and Dharma mastersMay all merits accrued from this work adorned Buddha's pureland, repaying the kindness of Buddha, Parents, Teachers and all living beings



「一切眾生, 皆有佛性, 本來不生, 本來不滅, 只因迷悟, 而致升沈。何以故!眾生常迷不覺, 所以永 劫墮落。諸佛常覺不迷, 所以永成佛道」。

「若有男女, 求佛道者, 進 道功程, 權分四級, 號四句偈: 一曰:空身。二曰:空心。三曰: 空性。四曰:空法」。

「云何空身:身是父母所生, 亦具父母息氣,九孔常流, 種種不淨, 四大假合, 終虛敗壞。有智男女, 知身是幻, 未死之前, 當死一般, 借此幻身, 學佛修行, 名悟身空一句偈也」 。

「復觀自心, 非生非滅, 最聖最靈, 遇境似有, 境滅還無, 令悟真心, 常覺不昧, 不隨妄想流轉, 但依真性主行, 名悟心空二句偈 也」。

「復觀自性, 寂然不動, 感而遂通, 變化無窮, 威靈莫測, 明明 了了, 自覺自知, 靈靈寂寂, 無為常為, 名悟性空三句偈也」。

「復觀如來, 所說經法, 皆是方便, 引導法門, 如水洗塵, 似病與藥, 今證心空, 法了, 病根藥除, 名悟法空四句偈也」。

「此四句意, 乃是超凡入聖, 進道之門路; 三世如來, 從此成佛 ,十方菩薩依此進所以者何? 」

「悟得初句意, 依意修行, 便證預 流須陀洹果」。

「 悟得二句意, 依意修行, 便證一來斯陀含果」。

「 悟得三句意, 依義修行, 便證不來阿那含果」。

「 悟得四句意, 依義修行, 便證無生阿羅漢果」。

「此四句偈, 大開諸佛道門, 受持讀頌, 為人演說 , 能令聞者, 悟佛知見, 成佛無疑。是故得福, 勝前七寶身命布施 , 所得福德, 百千億分, 不及其一」。 ________________________________________________________________


文殊菩薩問佛: 「云何行持,得六波羅密?」


「若有眾生, 能捨酒肉不食, 能捨財物不貪, 能捨恩愛不戀,

能捨諸惡不作, 能捨人我不爭, 名得第一『布施波羅密』。

「復有眾生, 能持佛戒, 能習佛儀, 能降六賊, 能斷邪非, 名得第二『持戒波羅密』。

「復有眾生, 能受人虧, 能忍人罵, 非來正對,逆來順受, 都無怨恨 , 反加度脫,


「復有眾生, 能學如來十二部經, 受持讀頌, 書寫講說, 未通務通, 未證務證,

名得第四 『精進波羅密』。

「復有眾生, 能斷誅殺, 能止妄念, 能除昏散, 能息禪定, 定力如山, 魔擾不亂,


「復有眾生, 能破無明, 能空諸相, 能通理法, 能決是非, 言言的當,字字無差,


「若人能具六波羅密者, 名出生死, 名到彼岸, 名超三界, 名登十地, 成佛之數也」。

無餘涅盤論第十:文殊菩薩問佛: 「云何是無餘涅盤? 」

佛言:「寂然不動心是也; 三世 諸佛, 共一路頭, 回到不動心中,

齊受無樂知樂, 更無有樂,過於此樂, 故名無餘涅盤。」 _________________________________________


文殊菩薩問佛: 「以何工夫修證!能超凡夫, 入聖道果? 」

「若有善男子善女人, 信向佛道, 便捨恩愛, 截斷塵緣, 堅持齋戒, 精修十善, 清靜三業, 遠離六塵, 力投明師, 學問正法, 以師開示, 不雜用心流轉, 只依佛法修行, 有此功者, 得須陀洹果。」

「復有善人, 習佛威儀, 清靜戒律, 一 心坐靜,攝心不散, 身口意業, 皆悉調伏, 於世間心, 動少靜多, 有此功者, 得斯陀洹果。」

「復有眾生, 三業不萌, 六塵不生, 靜久功 深, 心性恆一, 於世間心,寂然不動, 得心自在, 有此功者, 得阿那含果。」

「復有眾生, 以自在心, 習成定力, 定性向前, 悟明自性, 本來空寂, 心境兩忘, 澄心不動, 有此功者, 得阿羅漢果。」

「此四果人, 功超六欲凡夫天上, 得入聖賢寂滅場中, 同佛出世, 助佛宣化 , 淨佛國土, 自度度人, 報佛恩德, 直至菩提, 永無顛倒, 故名四 果, 得道聖人。」

「復次文殊師利!是四果人, 有真信心, 依師教誨 , 不二用心, 威德精嚴, 威儀具足, 於世財色, 恩愛名利, 一斷永 斷, 一了永了, 從始至終, 守道如一, 雖則不能大通大達, 心性堅固, 清靜解脫, 與佛無異, 故得超凡入聖位也。」


文殊菩薩問佛: 「 何等之人, 有我相、人相、眾生相、壽者相? 」

「凡夫之人, 認自四大色身是我, 貪生怕死, 名有我相。」
「心存憎愛, 意不均平, 名有人相。」
「念念常隨, 世心流轉, 不求解脫, 名有眾生相。」
「心識不忘, 業種常萌, 不悟無生, 真空實性, 常隨心境, 意識流動, 名有壽者相。」
「菩薩之人, 知身是幻, 悟世非常, 不惜身命何況資財, 但學大乘佛之教法, 名無我相。」
「等觀眾生, 皆如赤子, 不擇冤親, 平等濟度, 名無人相。」
「於世間心, 一了永了 , 更不相續, 名無眾生相。」
「明悟自己, 無生實性, 不隨心境, 意識流轉, 但依方便, 願力行持, 名無壽者相。」
「有此四相, 既名凡夫; 無此四相, 是名菩薩。 」

Thursday, October 30, 2008

What are the important things in life?

sometimes we tend to forget many important things in life..but we keep reminding ourselves not to forget. We do tend to think more of the negative and unhappy memories more than the good and happy once, because is true most of the time, happy moments are really those short snapshots that is not easy to come by in our lives that tend to dissapear faster than we want it to. However, we try our best to keep it at the back of our memory. Life is really all about choice. We tend to think sometimes things are fated. Sometimes, it might be true, however if we really wish and dream of something lots and lots..and want to make it happen. If we're brave enough, take another step further, add a bit of strength, add a bit more rythm in our footsteps, before we know it...we'll be dancing on the floor, instead of standing still in the same spot..just thinking of it and not making our dreams coming true. Sometimes, I think to myself, if we ought to make a lot of happy things to happen in our life, we have to be our own creator, our own initiative to write a book of ourselves, we've to create it, but of course, you've to have the acknowledgement of nature as well...whatever we do, it has to flow well with nature, not against it, if things are good, kind..anything that blends with nature, is o.k....if we are "courages" enough in this life time, we'll be our own hero. Courage huh??? Well, is easy to say than done.

This is something I feel like writing tonight:
Not afraid that is what I meant
Be brave enough to "love" with a true wholeheart
without flaws it is
If we love less, is not love at all
If we love more, is more like an attachment
so with all heart, no boundaries bring compassion
compassion it is
Blending the vitamin C of Compassion into nature
We are energized
We are with a purpose
We are not here to take
instead we are here to Give
with Wisdom and with light
How people see us is no longer important
Heart undisturbed Surrounded by Compassion
radiant from within
outward radiant is
what comes around goes around
Our heart at still
at peace all because of a neutral heart
Compassion it is
Answer to many problems of this world
Time never ends
longer than you can imagine
Time bring us to the past, present and future
All we have in this life is Choice
Is really up to us to Choose
Happiness and peace All within Us
----By Mei Chin (May 12, 2004)

Monday, October 20, 2008

A prayer of love and peace

a Sundary Morning prayer....

Saw beautiful peaceful statues of Buddha...with deers at the park in the background..
with buddha smiling...radiant with compassion and wisdom...without words...sharing his wisdom of living a happy life...

Today Oct 19, 2008 is Commemorating Kuan Shi Yin pusa's day.

Stories shared by Master Thai:

How to cultivate like the earth, the water and fire.

This world is full of impermanence and hence many sufferings... or lots of anger or dislike will occur...about what we see and the things around us.. especially those times when it doesn't goes our way...

In order to live a life of virtues, peace and true happiness. We need to understand the law of impermanence, able to maintain our virtues and peace in our heart besides all the comotions that happening around us......even if there's atmostphere of anger...etc...if we know how to cultivate and deal with things...we have the capacity of the absorp everything...good or bad...just taking it in....not affecting us...and able to create the element to let others take a home for beings.....whatever happened...always take a step back....standing still like the matter how strong the wind blows....the trees will wave with the winds...but after the storm stops...the trees is still standing there...not moving a single inch...still at its place its peaceful the Elements of Water. Cultivate like the Water, its original state of pureness, coolness....water is water....even if it is polluted...the nature of water will always be matter whether it is coffee...tea...lemone tea....this names are just temporary.....after a purification's original state is still water...nothing can really pollute it....Like the provides doesn't distinguish what's bad or good...whatever afflictions you've in your mind....let the fire burn it off without any distinguishment. Practice like the fire...with warm without discrimiation...and love equally...... give warm to all ...practice Great compassion...this is true love without any negative perfect, unselfish and peaceful and without about benefiting others and not satisfying what you want. So, practice Great compassion...^^

Love and Peace
With great metta,

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My First Inspirational Page

First Inspiration Page
有時 "心靈 " 就像 " 森林"像迷了方向中再找尋自己的方向和要走的路

"心靈 " 只要適當的調理就能找到自己的方向和快樂

Special Thanks to buddha and all dharma master who helped me see the way
修行 = 修心 = 修快樂慈悲﹐清淨﹐平等﹐ 放下而不執著
" 心靈 "
motivated during 2002 X'mas vacation in Richmond, B.C, Canada.I was having a high fever at that time.
Life is just too fragile...sometimes totally have no control over our lifespan
" 感覺 "
Felt the loneliness and lost of hope experienced by the sick and the old"
心靈的甘露 "
With a Hope to write a summary of insights I have learned (given) from Buddha's teaching and insights from Buddhist text and dharma masters, hope to share this candle that has lighted my heart, hope this candle will continue to light everyone's heartGiving hope and light for the sick, lost and old Let us together find and share the treasure of Happiness
This inspiration page is made possible, special Thanks to wisdom from Buddha of the ten directions, all Dharma teachers and Dharma masters, who have helped me see the way in many different anglesMay all merits accrued from this work adorned Buddha's pureland, repaying the kindness of Buddha, Parents, Teachers and all living beings

我們的 困難與煩惱算是什麼呢﹖
" 一段故事 "
有讓你開心過﹐悲傷過 的一段回憶
" 寧靜的一刻 "
就是這樣每天 掃塵除垢
I saw a TV series, it has this beautiful phrase...
I think is very true!
Have you found your true happiness?
I'm not talking about love & relationship
If you spend your whole life chasing after boys & girls,
you probably even farther away from the real happiness.
If you haven't found happiness in whatever you're doing now
you probably did it all wrong
Have you consider changing the directions you're heading towards?
Why not change to a better road
If you've found inner peace you probably are nearer to the right direction of happiness.
" 珍惜 "
We only have one life
We only have this moment
treasure it
treasure this moment
make the best out of it
live it to the fullest
and live it meaningfully
Don't give up easily
As long as you keep your dreams and hopes alive
you'll soon be there
" 變千 "
" 戲 "
This special wordings is from one of the dharma books I have read:
I think is really true
hope to share with you
"菩提心 "
" 覺醒 = 覺心 "
Don't let the slightest anger intimidate us
That's a saying goes from one of the dharma books I have read:
" 萬般隨緣過﹐事事不動心"
Allowing kind thoughts to grow in our heart each and everyday
These are phrases from Dharma Books I have read:
句偈﹕"欲欲知汝本, 但從思想生我今不思汝, 汝即不得生"
I think is so true
Your world or all troubles are created from our assumptions or interpretations and what's in your mind. How big your mind is, that's how big your world is. What's in your mind, that's what in your world. To change your life, watch what's in your mind, if your mind is full of virtues, your life will be filled with virtues. To change the quality of your mind, that's changing the quality of your life. Hence you change your Mei chin...
Just by watching our thoughts
we'll increase our awareness
This is from a phrase from The Six Patriot Master
"本來無一物, 何處惹塵埃"
I love his phrase full of wisdom
Sometimes if we think of ourselves too much
that could become a problem
we would be creating chain of thoughts related to "I" and "Me"
if those are unhappy thoughts..
the chain of thoughts would create more complication and suffering
We should follow the middle path..peace..
no extremism
" 愛 "
May there be peace in your heart always
with metta
..Mei Chin...

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Awakening Compassion in within

The Kind - Hearted Hermit (Lu Fuhuang -Tang Dynasty)
Around this lonely mountain top myriad peaks revolve,
I've come to cultivate ascetic's disciplined resolve,
I take my broom and sweep away the deer's tracks in the snow;
The deer passed by, but in the morning, hunters will not know.

Song for Lovers of Fish - Bai Juyi (Tang Dynasty)
I strolled at leisure by the pond,
To watch the fish afloat,
And met two youths with bait and ro,
In their fishing boat.
With different hearts we take delight in watching perch and trout,
I have come to feed the fish, they've come to hook them out.

Stop Killing! - Chan Master Cloud of Vows (Song Dynasty)
For Countless years the bitter stew of hate goes boiling on.
Its vengeful broth is ocean deep, impossibl to calm.
To learn the cause of all this conflict,
Terror, bombs and war,
Listen to the cries at midnight by the butcher's door.

Enjoying Life - Bai Juyi (Tang Dynasty)
Heaven prefers life, it's true.
Every creature loves its life and wants to stay alive.
If we want to see our hundredth birthday.
Do not shorten the lifespan of others.

Encouraging Humane Kindness (Master Hong Yi - Republic of China)
Sentient beings despise cruel violence,
Yet all creatures love gentle kindness,
Even savage lions offer rides
to people who refuse to kill.

Friday, July 22, 2005

A Good Life

"Growing is a lifetime job, and we grow most when we're down in the valleys, where the fertilizer is." - Barbara Johnson

"Your dreams are as infinite and beautiful as the garden you plan them in." - Unknown

"The person who has lived the most is not the one with the most years but the one with the richest experiences"- Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Insights of finding oneself

"Everything that from eternity has happened in heaven and earth, the life ofGod and all the deeds of time simply are the struggles for Spirit to knowitself, to make itself objective to itself, to find itself, be for itself,and finally unite itself to itself, it is alienated and divided, but only so as to be able thus to find itself and return to itself. Only in this manner does Spirit attain its freedom, for that is free which is not connected with or dependent on another." source

"Pray show me the way to deliverance.
Who has ever put you in bondage?
Nobody has put me in bondage.
If so, why should you ask for deliverance?"

--Turning Point--
"When you can listen to your thoughts without becoming lost in what you hear;
when you can hear them without adding or subtracting,without editing;
when you can remember the very worst without cringing,without even an eyeblink of the mind, it's then your life will turn.

Sunday, May 09, 2004


Buddha Shakyamuni:
"It is not easy to be reborn as a human being.
It is rarer than for a one-eyed turtle, who rises to the surface only once every hundred years,
to push his neck through a wooden yoke with one hole that floats on the surface of the wide ocean."

"...why should you put yourself through hell for no reason?"

Arnaud Desjardins:
"on days when the sky is grey, the sun has not dissapeared forever."

Sogyal Rinpoche:
"The ordinary mind is ceaselessly shifting and shiftless prey of external influences, habitual tendencies, and conditioning;
the masters liken it to a candle flame in an open doorway, vulnerable to all the winds of circumstances."

Sri Nisargadatta:
"The real world is beyond our thoughts & ideas;
we see it through the net of our desires,
divided into pleasure and pain, right & wrong, inner and outer.
To see the universe as it is, you must step beyond the net.
It is not hard to do, for the net is full of holes."

Kalu Rinpoche:
"The first thing upon which we should meditate is our precious & fleeting human life, hard to obtain and easy to destroy;
I will now give it meaning."

"Our lives are like a bubble or a candle;
Impermanence & death are like the wind!"

Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche:
" If one were truly aware of the value of human life, to waste it blithely on distractions and the pursuit of vulgar ambitions would be the height of confusion."

"Life is fragile, like the dew hanging delicately on the grass, crystal drops that be carried away on the first morning breeze."

"If hate reigns supreme, it chains us to hell.
Great avarice open the gulf of eternal hunger.
Dull ignorance makes us no better than animals.
Growing passion ties us to the world of men.
If jealousy takes root, it leads to the realm of waring gods.
Overbearing pride traps us in the land of the heavens.
These are the six fetters that chain us to samsara."

Matthieu Richard:
"When the mind is full of memories and preoccupied by the future,
it misses the freshness of the present moment.
In this way, we fail to recognize the luminous simplicity of mind that is always present behind the veils of thoughts."

"Knowledge does not mean mastering a great quantity of different information, but understanding the nature of mind.
This knowledge can penetrate each one of our thoughts and illuminate each one of our perceptions."

"What counts is not the enormity of the task, but the size of the courage."

"The basic root of happiness lies in our minds; outer circumstances are nothing more than adverse or favourable."

Howard Cutler:
"When faced with a feeling of stagnation and confusion, it may be helpful to take an hour, an afternoon, or even several days to reflect on what it is that will truly bring us happiness."

Jack Kornfield:
"Stay in touch with our heart."

"The things that matters most in our lives are not fantastic or grand. They are the moments when we touch one another."

"To see the preciousness of all things, we must bring our full attention to life."

The 14th Dalai Lama:
"Peace of mind is rooted in affection and compassion. There is a very high level of sensitivity and feeling there."

"Awareness of impermanence is encouraged, so that when it is coupled with our appreciation of the enormous potential of our human existence, it will give us a sense of urgency that I MUST USE EVERY PRECIOUS MOMENT."

Pema Chodron:
"Usually we think that brave people have no fear.
The truth is that they are intimate with fear."

"When there's a disappointment, I don't know if it's the end of the story,
But it may be just the beginning of a great adventure."

-The above quotes are from a book called "OFFERINGS"- with everyday quotes, lots of inpirational pictures too.

Sunday, February 08, 2004


To realise the value of one year,
ask a student who failed the grade

To realise the value of one month,
ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby

To realise the value of one week,
ask the editor of weekly newspaper

To realise the value of one hour,
ask the lovers who are waiting to meet

To realise the value of one minute,
ask a person who missed the train

To realise the value of one second,
ask a person who just avoided an accident

To realise the value of one millisecond,
ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympic Games

Treasure every moment that you have

Treasure it more because you shared it with someone special

And remember,
that time waits for no one


Rules to Live

"No man/woman is worth your tears
and the only one who is,
will never make you cry."

"If you love someone,
put their name in a circle, instead of a heart,
because hearts can break,
but circles go on forever."

"Everyone hears what you say.
Friends listen to what you say.
Best friends listen to what you don't say."

"If all my friends were to jump off a bridge,
I wouldn't jump with them,
I'd be at the bottom to catch them."

"Don't frown,
because you never know who's falling in love with your smile!"

"If you judge people,
you have no time to love them"
- by Mother Teresa

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle."
by Plato

"It takes a minute to have a crush on someone,
an hour to like someone
and a day to love someone-
but it takes a lifetime to forget someone."

"enthusiasm is contagious. You could start an epidemic!"

"Yesterday is the past,
tomorrow is the future.
Today is a gift,
that is why we call it the present."


Keeping Life in Perspective

"Many people will walk in and out of your life,
But only true friends will leave footprints in your heart."
- by Eleanor Roosevelt

"To handle yourself, use your head; To handle others, use your heart."

"Anger is only one letter short of danger."

"If someone betrays you once, it is his fault;
If he betrays you twice, it is your fault."

"Great minds discuss ideas;
Average minds discuss events;
Small minds discuss people."

"He who loses money, loses much;
He, who loses a friend, loses much more;
He, who loses faith, loses all."

"Beautiful young people are accidents of nature,
But beautiful old people are works of art."

"Learn from the mistakes of others.
You can't live long enough to make them all yourself."

Friends, you and me....
You brought another friend....
And then there were 3....
We started our group....
Our circle of friends....
And like that circle....
There is no beginning or end...."


Still Thoughts - by Master Cheng Yen

"Wherever we go, there is always a startling point and a goal.
We should pursue our goals from the very beginning till the very end,
never stopping halfway along the journey.

Mountain climbing is a fitting example,
where you must either stand it at the bottom of the mountain
or climb continuously to the very top.
By stopping halfway up the mountain you put yourself in danger of being hit by failing rock."
